Once upon a time in the East...
Or, 4 Airwarriors on their way to the lost countries <g>
"Flying Legends" at Halle/Oppin.
Three of the Aldi-Interceptors!
From the left: ANCO OMBRA KUER
Background: Somewhat strange looking plane, noone of us has seen before. "Dunno what plane this can be!" - Anco
"Hmmm... maybe a modified Piper Cub" - Kuer  . "Baaah... where´s da Beer-Shack?" - Ombra
As you see, a bunch of experts learned a lesson this weekend <gg>.

Yep, here is the 4th of us, Boni5. Founder of the "DeLu", a kind of informal german Airwarrior Association.
Boni5 (Sven), Ombra (Alex) und Kuer (Volker) short before RTB´ing home.

Hmmm... real nice! A precious piece of american engineering. The starboard-engine of a B-25. The pilot loved to rev the engines after landing and standing in the park-position, a beautiful noise!

Bare all weapons, still impressive.
