Ok, you want it you get it:

On a lovely day, the 28th April 1964 a blond haired boy was born on the northern seas isle Sylt.
(in fact i was bald plated till i was 2 years old)

Pictures are very rare about this time, but i found the least embarrassing which is shown here (blushes).
obviously in good shape<g>

After the whole school-stuff, i was apprenticed for Radio and TV Technician.
still in good shape, but dressed far better.

Then my "career" in the german Luftwaffe began. After basic-training i learned to maintain a radar-system and was eventually promoted to Technical-Sergeant. I did service at the inner-german border as long as it existed. After reunion i was transferred to a SAM-Unit "Hawk" where i quitted service two years later.

School again: 2 years learning for a graduated Technician. Fine time, much fun!

Since 1994 working as an Network-Administrator at changing companies.

Flight-Experience: none, except some flights in a Cessna when i was 7 and 9 years old.
And one real exciting trip in a Bell UH1D Helicopter. A young Luftwaffe-Pilot was eager to see his passengers puke! LOL No success.

So i do my AW-Job and try to kick some Bz and Az butts in Airwarrior.

My favourite Toy:

although a G-Type, it looks marvelous (Böser Junge = Bad Boy)

I have some good books too.

Thats all...