Frame 5:
Saturday, 10.07.99 04:00 local

Early morning again... <yaawwwnn>
HV was now equipped with the formidable Zero A6M5 (1 Bomb) and part of the Kate ecort.
The Kates should attack San Francisco while we sink an US-Carrier (nice imagination :-))
On our way CA8 (Shoho) and CA9 (Wasp) were detected as inactive carriers. CA7 (Yorktown) played her role as Saratoga and became our first target.
Some american fighters were eager to shoot our Kates down and in a short and fierce battle we lost some Kates but most of the attackers were driven away or shot down. Our squad was spread over 2 sectors and so Kuer and i made our way to the Saratoga. HV met above the target and immediatly one of the best furballs of my life developed.
P-38, F4F and F6F were below, above and coalt with us.

Above the Kates...                    The hunt begins. A doomed F4F       The next victim. Dead meat!

I achieved 3 kills within 3 minutes.                                 To make it complete, a bomb on Sara!

23:46 Anco nailed =RAT= over enemy territory.
23:47 TWP77 nailed bhapy over enemy territory, assisted by Anco.
23:47 Anco nailed Dawn over enemy territory.
23:48 -max- nailed Nogg over enemy territory, assisted by Kuer.

My way home wasnt that lucky. I engaged an F6F and pinged the Cat badly while a group F6F and P-38 arrived.
23:54 RM nailed Anco over friendly territory.   10 Minutes till end!

Out of 12 pilots, 3 returned to base. HV achieved 10 kills and 6 assists. WTG! Westy was killed by CAV :-))
